Dr. Raman Tanwar

Urologist and Andrologist

Prostate Enlargement

Simple Solutions for all Prostate Problems

Prostate Problems range from simple infection called prostatitis to benign age related enlargement called BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) and occasionally prostate cancer. Dr. Raman Tanwar has treated more than 10,000 patients of prostate related problems. He has performed hundreds of laser surgeries and laparoscopic and robotic surgeries for prostate cancer. Here are some common problems and their solutions.



The Prostatitis management program by Dr. Raman Tanwar is one of the only structured programs for management of prostatitis.


Prostatitis is the inflammation of the prostate gland that can happen due to infections, STDs, blockage in flow of urine, poor voiding habits and many other reasons. This leads to burning in urine, painful ejculation, lower back and perineal pain, sexual dysfunction and other symptoms of prostatitis.

The main focus for proper management of prostatitis is on the cause. Once the cause is clear it is easy to prevent recurrences and reduce time to wellbeing.

Prostatitis is known to be a difficult disease that burns out on its own in 3 to 5 years time. It has a long course with many ups and down and is more disturbing than agonizing. 

With a long experience in management of prostatitis Dr. Tanwar provides a white-paper based clear strategy for his patients to define what to expect and what could go wrong.

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