Dr. Raman Tanwar

Urologist and Andrologist

Prostate Enlargement

What is Prostate Enlargement ?

The prostate gland is a walnut shaped gland present only in men. This gland is normally 18-20 grams in size and surrounds the urine pipe called the urethra. The role of prostate gland is to produce a large part of the semen.

As age increases the gland increases in size naturally. This causes compression on the urine pipe leading to blockage in urine.

In some cases this increase in prostate gland may also be due to prostate cancer. Therefore all men with any urinary complaints should see a urologist to get a check up.

What are the Symptoms of Prostate Enlargement ?

Storage Symptoms

Bladder becomes irritated due to the blockage and symptoms like Frequency, Urgency to pass urine and Nocturia (Getting up many times in the night to pass urine) start.

Voiding Symptoms

Due to blocked urinary pipe (Urethra) it becomes difficult to pass urine freely leading to poor stream, difficulty in starting urination (Hesitancy), Straining and Intermittent stream

Post Void Symptoms

Even after passing urine some symptoms may come such as dribbling of urine after completion of urination (Post Void Dribbling) and a sense of incomplete emptying.

What is the treatment of Prostate Enlargement

Surgical Options for Prostate Enlargement

Transurethral Resection of the Prostate is the tried and trusted technique to manage prostate enlargement with surgery. Surgery is performed via the urine passage itself without any external cuts or holes.

The duration of surgery depends on the size of the prostate gland and usually it takes two days of stay in the hospital before discharge.

Bipolar Transurethral Resection of the Prostate is a new variation of the TURP technique to manage prostate enlargement with surgery. Surgery is performed via the urine passage itself without any external cuts or holes.

Plasma is generated by a special machine to cut the prostate with minimal bleeding. The advantage of this technique is minimal blood loss and complications during the surgery. We have removed prostate more than 250 grams also with this technique safely.

Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate is one of the latest ways to manage prostate enlargement with surgery. Surgery is performed via the urine passage itself without any external cuts or holes.

Prostate is removed using laser energy and the procedure is bloodless and with minimal complications. The procedure may take a little while longer than a TURP or Bi-TURP but it is claimed to remove more prostate gland with this technique.

Greenlight laser can also be used to burn or vaporize the prostate gland. In this technique no removal of prostate tissue is performed. Rather the KTP laser is used to burn away the prostate or vaporize the prostate slowly. 

This is one of the safest Prostate surgeries and is specially preferred for heart patients and prostate patients with other serious health conditions.

Book Your consultation today

Prostate problem is extremely common.
All you need to do is to take a step in time and start medications early.
There are specific indications for surgery as mentioned earlier in this article and once these symptoms start, surgery become difficult to defer.

Ensure that your Prostate does not grow to such an extent that surgery become difficult later. Timely medicines will help to defer surgery and get your prostate back to normal size.

Chips of prostate removed after Surgery
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